register nowPlease be advised that this website is not the only way to register for tournaments. Some bowlers choose to register by Phone, Email or Word of Mouth just to mention a few. Therefore the number of registered users you see on this website may not accurately reflect how many bowlers have already registered for an event. 

Using this website is the official, preferred, most reliable and best overall experience. You will recieve a confirmation from us in your email inbox for registering here. The key SSO staff will also recieve an email confirming your registration on this website. You will also recieve an automatic reminder just before the tournament date. 

stick figure sitting confusedWe strongly encourage everyone to register as early as possible for our upcoming tournaments so you don't miss out.  Some events are filled quickly without warning!!


Registering early allows us to be better prepared for our check-in times at the beginning of each tournament. This also allows for a much speedier and more efficient check-in time which clearly benefits everyone. It's also used as the basis of reserving enough lanes to cover our event and much more.   Remember, you can always Cancel Your Registration if need be right up to the final day. Just go back to where you originally registered.

Below is a step by step procedure to register for one of our tournaments.

  1. First step is to Click on TOURNAMENTS (1). This will take you to a page where all our tournaments are listed and sorted by date. The next tournament will always be on the top of the list.
  2. Now Click on the TITLE, IMAGE or on DETAILS to open the Tournament event. Here you will find the Date, Times, Capacity, Those who have already Registered, Price, Times, Oiling Pattern, Cashing Ratio and Location for this Tournament. You'll be able to view all bowlers who have already registered using this website.
  3. Next you will see the line shown below. Notice this line has three buttons. The REGISTER (INDIVIDUAL) button, the Save to button and the INVITE FRIEND button. This could be REGISTER (GROUP) for Doubles Tournaments. It's almost identical.
  4. At the bottom of these pages you will find the MAP for this location with Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) capabilities. 


 register save invite

  • The REGISTER (INDIVIDUAL) button serves a dual purpose. These are as follows.


  1. If you are an Existing Member, just login at the top with your Username and Password and click PROCESS REGISTRATION..


  1. If your a New User Please register to Create Your New SSO Account for the first time.
  • As an Existing Member just log-in and then click PROCESS REGISTRATION
  • Lets go through the registration process for New Users. You'll only need to do this step once for each tournament.

accout info

The diagram above is used just once to create your account for the first time. The red stars indicate "required field". These are all required fields in this case.


Username (3)

Give some thought here on what you want to enter since you can enter anything you want within reason. You can simply use your first name OR if you have a "nickname" you can enter it here if you wish. If you don't have a "nickname" go ahead and pick one. Remember, don't chose anything inappropriate so be reasonable and responsible here. Write down your Username NOW.


Password (4)

Nothing unusual here. Chose a password and confirm it on the next line. Please follow all the usual password security rules. Now make sure to keep track of this by writing it down somewhere safe. Write down your Password NOW

Over 1/3rd of the people forget their Username and Password when logging in for the first time! If you didn't get your email confirmation in your inbox then check in your spam folder. If its there you can still click the link. Our mail is not spam!


First and Last Name (5)

Please enter your REAL First and Last names. You shouldn't have to write this down for you to remember. :o)


Email (6)

Please enter a VALID email address. Failure to do so will remove you from our mailing list and deny you important information about our tournaments. This is the email you will receive all our Notifications on. We will send you confirmations on tournament registrations, tournament cancellations, tournament reschedules, tournament reminders, tournament news and information on multiple SSO topics and issues you need to know about. NOTE! this email is NOT shared with anyone unlike all social media you may belong to. We save all emails encrypted so your information is secure with us. NOBODY gets access to your personal information.


Newsletters (7)

Make sure you have this box checked if you wish to receive our Newsletters. You may cancel this subscription at any time with just one click.



Click this button to process your registration. The website will show a successfully complete message. You will then receive two (2) emails,

One email will confirm your registration for the tournament. This is for information purposes and no action is required by you.

The other email will contain a link for you to click on to confirm your account. 


Now go and test your login username and password.

NOTE!  Again, write down your "Username" and "Password" in a safe place. 



While your logged in, at this moment, click on View List and find your name on the list. If you don't see it then something went wrong. Try again or give us a shout.

If all is well then go to the HOME page on the top left side and  "LOGOUT". Now Login again using your "USERNAME" and "PASSWORD" to test your Account details.  You can now LOGIN here or LOGIN after clicking anywhere on "REGISTER (INDIVIDUAL)". They both work equally well!


Save to: (2)

Our Registration System is compatible with 3 Personal Calendars. Click on "Save to" and you'll be able to choose "Google Calendar", "Yahoo Calendar" or "Save Ical" calendar systems.



Click on the DETAILS button to open/view the Tournament Details of any event. 



Once you've Registered for any Tournament, simply click on the INVITE FRIEND button to invite one or more friends to this Tournament. They will receive a personal invitation from YOU to join this tournament. They will receive all the required information from the SSO as part of your invitation. When you INVITE a FRIEND, this is what you'll see shown below.


 Simply fill out the above form for one or more friends and click INVITE button when complete. It's that easy!