5 Star Lanes 1st 11182023The SSO would like to congratulate Mike McCleskey SS on winning his 1st. SSO Championship Title by defeating Amos Mathis in the final match 242 to 189. Mike picked up the first place prize of $2000.00, the trophy and earned 10 points for his BOTY standings. McClesky qualified below the cut line in 35th with 1346 and an average of 224. See Rule 7 for details

5 Star Lanes 2nd 11182023 Congratulations also goes out to Amos Mathis on his second place finish winning $1000.00. Mathis will receive 8 points towards his BOTY standings. Amos qualified in 25th with a total pin fall of 1367 with an average of 228. Amos shot 775 for his first 3 games in eliminations and somehow ended up with only a 189 in the final match.

Both Bill Kazmierski and Pat Bently failed to advance to the next round of Eliminations by just one pin!

 5 Star Singles Nov. 18 2023

This month's tournament was held at 5 Star Lanes. We would like to thank the management and staff for hosting our tournament this weekend.

This month's tournament average was 210

We had 133 bowlers in attendance, nearly breaking our singles high attendance of 134 in our Bonanza Lanes Singles tournament this year. There were 16 SSS, 46 SS and 8 Female bowlers with the rest of our seniors.

It took a total of 1350 and an average of 225 or better to make our regular cut line set by Jeff Kendall.

We also had 47 bowlers in our Elimination Rounds.  This provided a little better than 1 in 3 cashing ratio for the tournament.

There were two honor scores.  Our high qualifier Keith Engling SS shot an 815 series for his first three games of the tournament. Troy Stus shot a perfect 300 in his 2nd game of qualifying.

We are proud to have    as our major sponsor

The SSO would like to thank everyone for coming out to compete. The SSO would also like to thank our staff and our sponsors; Ebonite Bowling Products, Red Robin, Beyond Boarders, Turbo 2 in 1 Grips, Hamtramck Singles Classic,  A.M. Total Being Fitness and Dilaura Brothers Bowling Supply for their support of our tournaments.

Click here to view/download/print the qualifying results.